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School Lunch Orders


Winton School students can order lunch on a Tuesday from Subway, Wednesday from Top End Sushi Takeaways and Thursday from the Winton Bakery.  Orders handed in to the school office should be in a named envelope with correct order details and money enclosed. Parents can order directly at Top End Sushi Takeaways and The Bakery or on the Subway School Lunch App.


All orders need to be clearly labelled:

  • Name

  • Class

  • Order details

  • Correct Money



The Big White Shop also offer lunch packs for $8 (includes sandwich/wrap, fruit bars, snacks, fruit and a drink). Please note that these orders need to be made direct to the Big White Shop the day before required, they will then have them ready for pick up by parents by 8.15am the next morning.

Please select the healthy options.  Coca cola and other fizzy/sugar loaded drinks are not permitted at school.

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